Round-ups curing diseases & solving the biggest challenges
At default round-ups are off. Choose R&D field and projects and activate round-ups
Pay with your physical or digital card.
Unnoticeable round-ups from purchases goes directly to your science project of choice.
Unlike charities, the money goes straight to the research lab doing the work of your choice.
All science projects on our platform aim to improve your life.
Round-ups curing diseases & solving the biggest challenges
At default round-ups are off. Choose R&D field and projects and activate round-ups
Pay with your physical or digital card.
Unnoticeable round-ups from purchases goes directly to your science project of choice.
Unlike charities, the money goes straight to the research lab doing the work of your choice.
All science projects on our platform aim to improve your life.
At Science Card, we prioritise the security and privacy of our users. We employ robust security measures and adhere to strict data protection protocols to ensure that your personal information remains safe and confidential.
3DS (also known as ‘Mastercard SecureCode’, ‘Identity Check’ and ‘Verifiedby Visa’) is a standard which helps to reduce fraud and provide extrasecurity to your online payments. Authentication is the process by whichyou identify yourself by sharing secure information that is available only toyou. 3DS 2.0 is the latest version and provides a much smoother and saferprocess for you to authenticate your payments.
Authentication provides an additional layer of security for onlinetransactions, making it harder for fraudsters to gain access to your paymentdetails.
Yes, your card has been enrolled in Mastercard SecureCode (3DS) so thatwherever you see the Mastercard SecureCode logo online, your cardnumber will automatically be recognised during checkout. Your cardprovider is contacted during checkout to confirm your identity as thegenuine cardholder.
You will receive a 6-digit One Time Password (OTP) for each online purchaseyou make at participating merchants. The OTP will be snt by SMS or byemail to the mobile phone or email address which you have registered withyour card provider. Simply key in the OTP on the authentication pagedisplayed and press the ‘Submit’ button. The OTP will then be verified byyour card provider and the transaction will be approved or declined.
The partially masked mobile number and email address will be displayed onthe authentication page so that you can check that those details arecorrect. If the mobile number and email address are incorrect, cancel thetransaction and either update your information on the portal or contactCustomer Services by calling
If you ever suspect that a fraudulent purchase has been made using yourcard, contact Customer Services by calling immediately.