Science Card for researchers

The fast new way to access research funding.

Get in touch

We make grants to university researchers innovating in the fields of climate change, healthcare and computing.

Science Card is a new way to access funding fast for university researchers in climate change, healthcare and computing.

We bring together impactful scientific research with science-minded individuals who want to use their money for good.

Our customers can make contributions to research projects with their everyday spending, or sponsor projects of their choice.

As a researcher, you’ll receive your grant more quickly, and can access a community of well-connected, diverse individuals, who are actively engaged in your project.

Save time and reduce hassle

Fast application process: apply for research funding quickly and easily.

Two-week notification period: hear about the success of your application within a fortnight.

Quicker grant awards: get your grant only six months after your application, subject to the availability of funding.

Drive the success of your research

Early feedback on your project: have your proposal reviewed by our Due Diligence and Scientific Committees

Access to a community of stakeholders: get your project known by a large, well-connected, diverse group of individuals

External interest in your research: drive engagement in your research by reporting on your progress and discoveries

Potential source of recurrent funding: diversify your grant funding streams through IP exchange

Project funding stages

2 weeks

Initial evaluation: Identify IP & commercialisation potential

Due diligence
Principal investigator presentation: project lead presents to Science Card
Expert panel review: Science Committee comprising 70+ academics from leading universities
Project submitted

Project assigned a “Discovery” or “Protection” classification.

1-6 months
Science Card funding

Project funded directly and via Science Card’s customers.


Capital; legal support;
access to partners; spin-out (including hiring team).


On-going support;
access to partners.

How to qualify for a Science Card grant

We bring together impactful scientific research with science-minded individuals who want to use their money for good.


Innovating in the fields of:

  • Climate change

  • Healthcare

  • Computing


Led by an individual or team at a UK university.


Aligned with one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

How a Science Card grant affects a project’s IP

Unlike most other funding bodies we don’t take ownership of a project’s IP: we leave it where it is.

This means that a grant from Science Card does not affect the IP of a project - the IP still vests with the original institution (typically, the university). If the university declines to commercialise the IP when the project gets to its commercialisation stage, we do however have an option to take ownership in order to continue commercialisation.

At the outset though, instead of an IP ownership agreement, Science Card is reimbursed for its contribution to the funding of a project through a revenue-sharing arrangement. This agreement is typically between Science Card and the university’s Technology Transfer Office.

Our IP Policy

You can see our full IP Policy here. Please note that the policy may be subject to change.

Some of the world-changing projects we’re funding

Open for funding
Data-driven health: closing the healthcare gap
Prof Vasa Ćurčin
King's College London
Explore project
Coming Soon
Open for funding
Neuromorphic imaging for levitated sensors
Dr James Millen
King's College London
Explore project
Coming Soon
Open for funding
Enhancing kidney transplant success: developing a precision test to assess kidney viability
Dr Emily Thompson
Newcastle University
Explore project
Coming Soon
Open for funding
Unlocking the secrets of neurodegenerative diseases
Prof Emad Moeendarbary
University College London
Explore project
Coming Soon
Open for funding
Unraveling the potential of fig latex in the battle against cervical cancer
Dr Hossein Ashrafi
Kingston University, London
Explore project
Coming Soon
Open for funding
Cold fusion technology
Dr John Herbert
Explore project
Coming Soon

Meet the Science Card team

Our mission is to combine the best banking experience with the ability to fund the scientific research that matters to our customers

CEO and Founder
PhD in Biomedical Engineering from UCL

Daniel founded Science Card to create a new form of engagement with scientific progress, using the power of finance to accelerate human knowledge and ultimately helping guarantee a sustainable future.

At Science Card we increase the pace and scale of technological progress by efficiently directing funds to the right projects

Head of Science and Investment
PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Oxford

John has worked extensively as a research scientist at institutions including Oxford University, University College London and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research.

At Science Card we’re building a socially-conscious payments company to support science, healthcare and technology

Head of Engineering
PhD in Financial Computing from UCL

With a background in both academia and finance, Vytautas has experience straddling both banking and scientific research, enabling him to build the technological bridge between the two ecosystems.

Join us in our mission to
accelerate human knowledge

Sign up now for early access and more when we launch this autumn (we only have a few places left on our early access list, but don’t worry, you’re in!)

Tell us about yourself:

What do you want to achieve with Science Card?

Would you switch to Science Card as your main account, helping change the world?

By clicking “Submit”, you agree to abide by Science Card’s Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. You can unsubscribe from communications from us at any time.

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